Amanda BramlettManager in Engineering Analytics at Delta Air Lines

Dr. Amanda Bramlett is the Manager of Engineering Analytics at Delta Air Lines/Delta TechOps, where she navigates uncharted technological territories at the helm of a multidisciplinary team of data scientists, data engineers, and software developers. Under her leadership, this team has carved out a niche in designing cutting-edge machine-learning models integrated seamlessly with practical business tools. Their groundbreaking efforts have focused on facilitating FAA compliance for maintenance task optimization across all fleets and maintenance programs, an initiative that reflects Delta's enduring commitment to safety and efficiency. With a decade-long career in statistics and analytics, Dr. Bramlett brings a wealth of experience and unique insight to every endeavor. Her academic prowess is underlined by a PhD in Psychometrics from the University of Georgia. She has been instrumental in shaping Delta's evolution into a data-driven, future-ready organization with a robust product roadmap focused on exploring the convergence of technology, analytics, and aviation.