Support FEN

Why Volunteer?
Volunteering for FEN can take many forms depending on your skill-set. As an educational organization, we are always interested in featuring local French entrepreneurs and professionals and demonstrating the value of French language and culture. Do you have a background as a French Chef? Lead a cooking class with us, or offer a cooking demo at Seattle's French Fest! Do you work at or have students at a local school? Help us organize a visit for the A l'Ecole Project! Contact us at info(@) with questions or for more information.
Why Donate?
To support the programming and the associated costs in organizing the participation of the student interns from France, FEN relies on donations from private individuals and companies. This money helps pay for: plane tickets, visa fees, and transportation costs for the interns; administrative costs like rent and salaries; supplies for cooking classes and other events; and more.
Tax Status
FEN holds 501(c)3 charitable institution status; donations are tax deductible and contributions can be made securely online using the link below. Checks can be mailed to FEN, 1915 140th Ave NE Suite D2, PMB 555, Bellevue WA 98005. For those who gift from charitable funds, the organization’s registered name is “France Education Northwest” and the EIN is 26-0392161.