Ryan FaucettVice President, Environmental Sustainability, The Boeing Company

Ryan Faucett is the vice president of Environmental  Sustainability at The Boeing Company. He leads a team focused  on environmental engagement globally, which includes informing regional policy approaches and forming partnerships to advance 
the industry’s sustainability objectives. A key part of Faucett’s role is catalyzing the scale-up and adoption of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) globally. 
Previously, Faucett served as senior director of Environmental Sustainability, where he led the company’s SAF strategy and partnerships. He also provided strategic direction for Boeing’s leadership role in reducing aviation’s emissions. Prior to that role, he has held several leadership roles at Boeing including global market intelligence and market development in Corporate Strategy. He also led efforts to create a lifecycle strategy for the New Middle Market development program in Boeing Global Services. Early in his Boeing career, he helped drive Boeing Commercial and Enterprise Health and Safety’s  environmental integration platform, including one of the world’s first sustainable aviation biofuel business cases and chaired the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group.      

Faucett is a board member of the International Aerospace Environmental Aviation Group (IAEG), and a member of IAEG’s Strategic Planning Committee. He holds a Master of Business Administration from University of California, Los Angeles Anderson School of Management. He received his Bachelor of Business from the University of  Washington. 

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