Quantum Computing: Hype or Paradigm Shift?

F5 Tower, 801 5th Ave, 98104, Seattle WA, United States
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Price: $15 for FACC Members
$30 for future FACC Members


Event ended.

Quantum Computing Revolution: Unlocking the Power of Qubits and Beyond. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Quantum Computing

Welcome to the Quantum Computing Revolution: Unlocking the Power of Qubits and Beyond. In this insightful presentation, we'll delve into the fascinating world of quantum computing, a field poised to reshape the future of technology and science. Join us as we explore the principles of quantum mechanics, discuss the potential of quantum processors to solve complex problems that were once deemed impossible, and examine real-world applications that span from cryptography to drug discovery. Get ready to embark on a journey through the quantum realm, where classical bits make way for qubits, and where the computational boundaries of today are redefined.


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